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 Manage Your Stress
Have you ever noticed that acne can
come out of nowhere, especially when
you’ve lately been dealing with stress?
Well, there’s a reason for this…
When you’re dealing with stress, the
body increases the production of a
hormone called cortisol, which then
signals to the sebaceous glands to
increase skin oil-production (just like
they do during overstimulation, caused
by heat, but we’ll get into that in a
second.) According to ScienceDaily.com,
dermatologists have known that stress
has been causing acne for quite some
time. However, studies done back in
2001 were able to find direct correlation
— which means that stress is a proven
cause for oily skin and acne.
This proven research is yet another
reason to relax and take a breather.
Your skin depends on it.
#2: Change Your Environment
For men with chronically oily skin, heat
is the enemy; there’s a super interesting
trick to go with this, which has to do with
your refrigerator…stay tuned.
If you’re routinely in hot environments,
then your sebaceous glands are
constantly being kicked into overdrive.
This happens especially when you sweat,
so make sure that you give your skin a
chance to cool down, and wash your face
with cool water and a mild cleanser.
Mild is the key word here, men. If skin
becomes dry due to harsh cleaners, the
skin will work in overdrive to
compensate for the dry skin, resulting in
oil practically dripping from your pores.
#3 Get Down With Routine
Spending time moisturizing, buffing, and
masking your skin can seem like a huge
time suck. However, the benefits are
worth the time spent – especially if you
have oily skin. One of the best ways to
force your skin into submission is to
adapt a skin care routine that caters to
your slick skin.
To keep your complexion in the clear, it’s
essential to cleanse your skin every day.
For oily skin, I typically recommend a
cleanser that exfoliates. This will help get
rid of those useless dead skin cells that
are clogging up your pores. If you notice
that your face is starting to dry out,
reduce your exfoliating cleanser to twice
per week and supplement with a mild
Most guys can get away with skipping
this step, but for those blessed (cursed)
with oily skin, it’s essential for your
oversized sebaceous glands. A toner will
help to close the pores that produce so
much grease. An effective toner will
make your skin feel taught and smooth,
which is a bonus.
This step isn’t reserved to the fairer sex,
men. Moisturizing oily skin might seem
like a counter-productive step, but it’s
important for maintaining skin integrity.
As I mentioned before, if your skin is
overly dry it will try to compensate by
producing more oil than necessary in an
effort to balance the skin, successfully
turning your T-Zone into an oil slick.
Combat this by including a moisturizer
that is formulated for oily skin into your
routine. Your skin will stay hydrated
while retaining that essential natural
#4: Use Tea Tree Oil
Suggesting that you guys invest in
essential oils might be a stretch, but tea
tree oils have several properties, which
naturally combat skin problems. Hear
me out.  Essentially, tea tree oil is an:
And a degreaser (sort of like dish soap)
So not only will it be able take away
some of the oil that’s already on your
face, but it can also kill acne-causing
bacteria and will help heal damaged

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