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(1) Stimulate your salivary flow
A dry mouth gives the perfect environment for the group of
anaerobic bacteria that causes mouth odour. Avoiding a dry
mouth by stimulating the flow of saliva in your mouth will help
you get rid of mouth odour. This can be done by chewing
gum, lozenges or mints that are sugar free. The ones that
contain Xylitol, a non-sucrose sweeter, are best because they
help you avoid cavities. You can also have a bottle of water
handy to drink from time to time throughout the day to keep
your mouth from getting dry.
2. Good dental hygiene
Brush your teeth at least twice a day (in the morning when
you wake and at night before you sleep). It is very important
you don’t neglect to brush your teeth at night because while
you sleep little or no saliva is being produced, so anaerobic
bacteria have the perfect environment to thrive throughout
your eight hours of sleep. Brushing your mouth before you
sleep will help remove any food and plaque in your mouth that
the anaerobic bacteria can feed on while you’re asleep.
Fluoride toothpastes should be used, alongside brushes with
soft (but not too soft) bristles (so you don’t damage your
enamel and gum). You should also try to brush within the
range of 1 – 2 minutes.
3. Use mouthwash
Mouthwashes (alcohol free) and dental flosses can also be
used after meals, especially after meals that contain onion
and garlic, dairy foods, meat, fish, refined and processed
sugars, coffee and juices, and heavily processed foods that
contain refined carbohydrates like cookies, cakes, sweets and
ice cream which provide the ideal breeding environment for
these bacteria.
4. Fibrous fruits and vegetables
Remember the saying, “An apple a day keeps the doctor
away”. Well in this case, we’ll modify it to, “An apple a day
keeps the bad breath away”. Eating fibrous fruits and
vegetables like apples, bananas, oranges, potatoes, etc helps
moisten the mouth and remove the bacteria in the mouth,
thus helping you get rid of mouth odour.
5. Clean your tongue (including the back)
Over time, there is a coating that forms on your tongue that
becomes the host for many smelly bacteria. It is thus
important for you to remember to gently brush your tongue,
including the back of your tongue, with your toothbrush. If
your brush is too big to reach the back of your tongue, you
can get a smaller brush or something called a ‘scrapper’ to
help you reach back there and properly clean the surface of
your tongue, removing bacteria, food debris and dead cells
that you might not have been able to remove by only brushing
your teeth.

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