1. Take Emergency contraceptive pills
This is one of the surest ways of preventing unwanted
pregnancy after having unprotected sexual intercourse. You
will have to take emergency contraceptives in form of
emergency contraceptives pills. Emergency contraceptive pills
also referred to as morning after pills are is used to prevent
pregnancy. There can be obtained with a doctor’s prescription
or as an over the counter drug (OTC) in drug stores. A
commonly used form of EC is Postinor 2® which is taken
within 72 hours after having unprotected sexual intercourse. It
contains Levonorgestrel which is a synthetic form of a female
reproductive hormone that prevents implantation hence
pregnancy doesn’t occur.
2. Ask for an Intra-Uterine Device (IUD)
If after 72 hours, then you must contact your health care
provider for an emergency IUD. IUD is tiny rod-like devices
inserted into the uterus (womb) by your doctor. There distort
cervical mucus and prevents the implantation of the egg. If
inserted properly and within 5 days, it is highly effective with
an efficacy rate of about 98%. It is important to note that EC
and IUD don’t give any protection nor prevent STD and HIV
3. Test for STD and HIV
Fears of infection with STD or the dreaded killer disease HIV is
heightened after unprotected sexual intercourse. It is
mandatory that you test to screen for STD and HIV. If possible,
such test should be conducted with your sexual partner. STD
to be tested for includes Hepatitis B and C, gonorrhea, syphilis
and chlamydia. This can be carried out with blood samples or
via a vaginal/ penile swab. However, results gotten from an
early test are inconclusive hence test must be repeated after 6
months for cases of HIV and Hepatitis. Testing after having
unprotected sexual intercourse allays fear/ anxiety and
increases the chance of early diagnosis, prevention and
treatment of sexually transmitted disease.
4. Post Exposure Prophylaxis (PEP)
PEP is essential after a high risk unprotected sexual
intercourse. This includes cases of rape by an unknown
assailant, sexual intercourse with an individual living with HIV
or unprotected sexual intercourse with a partner with known
multiple sexual partners. You must visit a health facility that
provides such services and after counseling and series of test,
you will be commenced on PEP for a duration of one month.
The drugs have been noted to be 99% effective in preventing
HIV if commenced within 72 hours. PEP provides protection
against HIV but not to other STD. However, you will have to do
another HIV test after 6 months to be declared free from the
deadly disease.
This is one of the surest ways of preventing unwanted
pregnancy after having unprotected sexual intercourse. You
will have to take emergency contraceptives in form of
emergency contraceptives pills. Emergency contraceptive pills
also referred to as morning after pills are is used to prevent
pregnancy. There can be obtained with a doctor’s prescription
or as an over the counter drug (OTC) in drug stores. A
commonly used form of EC is Postinor 2® which is taken
within 72 hours after having unprotected sexual intercourse. It
contains Levonorgestrel which is a synthetic form of a female
reproductive hormone that prevents implantation hence
pregnancy doesn’t occur.
2. Ask for an Intra-Uterine Device (IUD)
If after 72 hours, then you must contact your health care
provider for an emergency IUD. IUD is tiny rod-like devices
inserted into the uterus (womb) by your doctor. There distort
cervical mucus and prevents the implantation of the egg. If
inserted properly and within 5 days, it is highly effective with
an efficacy rate of about 98%. It is important to note that EC
and IUD don’t give any protection nor prevent STD and HIV
3. Test for STD and HIV
Fears of infection with STD or the dreaded killer disease HIV is
heightened after unprotected sexual intercourse. It is
mandatory that you test to screen for STD and HIV. If possible,
such test should be conducted with your sexual partner. STD
to be tested for includes Hepatitis B and C, gonorrhea, syphilis
and chlamydia. This can be carried out with blood samples or
via a vaginal/ penile swab. However, results gotten from an
early test are inconclusive hence test must be repeated after 6
months for cases of HIV and Hepatitis. Testing after having
unprotected sexual intercourse allays fear/ anxiety and
increases the chance of early diagnosis, prevention and
treatment of sexually transmitted disease.
4. Post Exposure Prophylaxis (PEP)
PEP is essential after a high risk unprotected sexual
intercourse. This includes cases of rape by an unknown
assailant, sexual intercourse with an individual living with HIV
or unprotected sexual intercourse with a partner with known
multiple sexual partners. You must visit a health facility that
provides such services and after counseling and series of test,
you will be commenced on PEP for a duration of one month.
The drugs have been noted to be 99% effective in preventing
HIV if commenced within 72 hours. PEP provides protection
against HIV but not to other STD. However, you will have to do
another HIV test after 6 months to be declared free from the
deadly disease.
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