5 ways to know wheather your friends is a gay
There are lots of reasons why you might want to know if your friend is gay. There are some important things that you have to understand about this situation before going forward, aside from the more in your face signs, the aesthetics of gay men and straight men aren’t as different as you think.
Grooming and making sure you look comfortable and well kept has become time well spent for all guys, not just us fashionable queens. It seems like straight guys have to balance their gym time with their manicures.
However, someone’s sexuality is highly complex and highly private, and you may be starting more problems than you solve by trying to find out.
5 Ways To Tell He’s Gay…
1. Pay Attention To How He Talks About Men
Listen when your friend talks and see what he says about other men. Does he frequently refer to other guys as being attractive? Does he gush about his favorite male characters on television or the latest hot-topic celebrity? Things like this can be a cue that he likes them with a little bit more than basic admiration.
2. Think About How He Talks About Women
You might also want to look for language which shows a lack of interest in women or an absence of language that would normally show an interest in women.
This can be another indicator that he’s gay. Guys will generally get bashful and tongue tied around women that they like. If you’re not seeing any of that, then he might be gay.
3. Watch For Secretive, Ashamed, Or Embarrassed Behavior
When someone is closeted, they often have to hide a lot of things about themselves. Your friend might even be out, just not to you, which means they have to hide a whole other life.
Watch for signs that they’re hiding something or that they’re ashamed or embarrassed about something, since this can be an indication..
4. Look For Physical Cues
One of the theories about why some people are born gay has to do with the hormones that they’re exposed to before they’re born. These hormone exposure levels may manifest in actual, physical ways which can be a vague indicator that a guy might be gay.
Look for a feminine walk, body shape, finger length, or see if one of his favorite hobbies is grinding on other dudes. These can be signs that he was exposed to more estrogen than usual in utero, which may have an effect on brain development.
However, it’s incredibly important to remember that this is not a 100% fool-proof sign. There are lots of other factors that can contribute to these changes in the body, so don’t see this as proof that he’s gay.
5. Consider Alternative Possibilities
You should also consider what other possibilities all of these different signs might indicate. It is possible that your guy friend is not gay but instead falls somewhere else on the Kinsey scale of unicorns and awesomeness.
He could be, bisexual, meaning he’s interested in men and women, asexual, meaning that he naturally has no sexual desire, he may just not be interested in you, if you’re wondering why he hasn’t made a move on you.
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